Nowadays, there are a lot of domestic violence cases occurring worldwide. And there are some cases where no one can find the strangulation, and it becomes tough for you to win the case. So you have to find the best domestic violence expert witness who can identify your strangulation and provide you with maximum chances of winning the case.

It is essential to have expert evidence for the legal cases to make a strong defense. And an expert should be the one who should have extensive training and should be able to understand the subject to win the case. Meanwhile, in most non-fatal strangulation cases, it is difficult to get a medical diagnosis as it will not cause any internal damage or bruising and will not have any proof. So, it is essential to hire an expert for domestic violence witnesses.

Expert witnesses help educate judges in civil and criminal courts, and the opinions are dependent on technical, scientific, or specialized knowledge. Expert witnesses help the courts to verify whether domestic violence is not caused by mental illness or anger. Also, they can assist and tell the abuser that they made an intentional choice to engage in the controlling action.

A domestic violence expert witness can assist the lawyers and courts know about the victims. It can help protects victims from the stigma, stress, and anxiety resulting from abuse. Unless otherwise, victims pass their days and survive as if the abuse has been done unintentionally.

How Can Expert Witnesses Be of Service?

Expert witnesses can confirm domestic abuse by using two different ways. They are:

  1. General Expertise

This is such a way that the expert can confirm the domestic abuse case in a general way with less or no knowledge about the particular case. Meanwhile, a lawyer will ask questions that can reveal the information about the issue.

The expert witness can explain to the court about:

  • Research on domestic violence and persistent control.
  • Explain the issue and why the problem occurs.
  • Explain why the victim defends, lies, recants, complies with, or stays with the abuser.
  • The beliefs, motivations, characteristics, tactics, and behaviors of offenders.
  • The results that victims face when trying to protect themselves from the case.
  • The effect of trauma on child and adult victims and witnesses.
  • Changes in the severity and frequency of abuse over time.
  1. Case-Specific

The expert witness can give evidence about the particular facts about the case. They will verify the medical or police reports, guardian ad litem reports, psychological test reports, relevant photographs, court documents, and records of texts. Besides, the expert witness for domestic violence can conduct a test and interview the victim.

So, if the expert witness has complete knowledge of the case, then the witness can discuss regarding:

  • The entire history and understanding of the couple from how long they are present.
  • Possible cultural influences on the issue.
  • The affected person’s medical, psychological, and financial impact on the victim.
  • The result of the actions of an abusive person on children or other family members.
  • Recommendations for visitation or custody.
  • The logic of previous tests and assessments by the professionals.

When to Hire Expert Witnesses

There are some examples of civil or court cases where an expert witness can provide proof for the cases. They are:

  1. Immigration
  2. Divorce
  3. Pre-Post Marriage Agreements
  4. Benefits
  5. Litigation Abuse or Vexatious Litigation
  6. Visitation or Custody
  7. Tort Cases

So if you are worried about the issue and thinking about talking to a lawyer, consult an expert witness who can help you provide the required proof for your case to win.

Posted in: Law