Sometimes you are caught up in the valley of making the right decision between which one will suit me best of these options that are posed at me, the thought of choosing an air conditioner is staring at you in the face, you as well considering if going for a swamp cooler will be a better option compared to choosing an air conditioner, to this end is this research made and everything you need to know about each of these cooling devices will be put together in this article to ensure you have enough information that will help you make an informed decision. Now, you must understand that both the swamp cooler and an air conditioner are cooling devices, however, they have different components that make them up and some other little similarities, but for the purpose of this article, we will be looking at their differences.

A swamp cooler is known to be quite cheaper and easy to install, so because of that, we will be writing about the cheaper one first, which should give you a clue into what the price of installing an air conditioner is. A swamp cooler is known to be an open system device. It basically relies on the flow of air through the building in order to direct the cool air, and since it always sneed hot dry air to ensure the evaporation process of the water, it as well needs to display the air already in the house. Aside from this, it is imperative to know that they do not consume as much energy as other cooling devices will consume. And a swamp cooler is quite easy to maintain, you will need to change the pads on it at least once or twice in the space of a year. You might also need to clean the pads to prevent dirt and dust from clogging the lines and hindering the flow of air from the swamp cooler.

However, an air conditioner also works by drying the air, it condenses water vapor from the cooled room as it moves through the cold coils. The cooling process actually begins when the thermostat perceives the air temperature needs to be lowered and sends a signal to the device components so as to start working. The fan from the inward unit simply pulls hot air from inside the house or workspace through return air ducts. The air is passed through the filters where dust, lint, and some other airborne particles are collected. After the filtration of the collected air is then passed over the cold evaporator coil, you understand what that means, the house gradually becomes cooled off by this process repeatedly. It is also important to note that compared to installing and maintaining a swamp cooler an air conditioner device is expensive. However, both of them work well and will serve accurately the purpose with which they are employed.