According to the WHO ovarian cancer was found to represent the third most common type of cancer in Malaysian women. This study that was published in March 2021 also shows that breast cancer constitutes the number one most diagnosed cancer in Malaysian women followed by colorectal cancer.
Going back to ovarian cancer, anatomically, ovaries alongside other female reproductive organs such as uterus and fallopian tubes are all located in the intraperitoneal spaces. With that being said most of the common symptoms of ovarian cancer that arise are influenced by the ovary’s location. Be that as it may, the metastasis of ovarian cancer would also contribute in triggering other systemic and localized symptoms. According to the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance Organization (OCRA), there are 3 most common symptoms that are likely to be associated with ovarian cancer. These symptoms include 1) Abdominal pain & bloating, 2) Weight loss & early satiety, and 3) Changes of bowel & urinary pattern.
- Abdominal pain & bloating
Abdominal pain & bloating are mostly triggered due to the production of ascites in the peritoneum. Ascites are the collection of abnormal fluid that are usually secreted by cancerous cells. Ascites can also occur when a cancer metastasizes into the liver causing a blockage of the hepatic vein which in turn causes a peritoneal leakage in the long run. Ascites production will cause the peritoneal space to expand, causing abdominal bloating. Furthermore, these phenomena further aggravates and irritates the surrounding organ and tissue, eliciting a visceral and topical pain across the abdomen.
- Weight loss & early satiety
Whilst weight loss is widely understood to be a common sign for any malignancies, early satiety is a more typical sign that would be associated with ovarian cancer and (in fact) other cancers that were found to develop from the lower abdomen. These cancerous masses that will eventually gain in size, will cause extreme and chronic weight loss, due to their nature of manipulating nutrient absorption within the body. Secondly it will also cause persistent abdominal distention, and coherent stress on the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs, triggering the phenomenon of eating difficulty and the feeling fullness rather too quickly.
- Changes of bowel & urinary pattern
Changes of bowel & urinary pattern are bound to occur when the size of ovarian cancer reaches a tipping point. At a certain stage of a malignant development, the size of the cancerous cells will expand toward the surrounding organ, in doing so, will put pressure on the urinary bladder and rectum or colon. This will disrupt the normal urinary and bowel pattern of the suspected patient. This external load and stress will slowly jeopardize the activity and strength of the corresponding muscle sphincter, causing incontinence, urine retention, constipation or diarrhoea sporadically.
Other relatable symptoms
Furthermore, other symptoms that can be associated with ovarian cancer would also include fatigue, indigestion, back pain, pain during intercourse and menstrual irregularities. While it is widely understood that these symptoms can be superimposed or influenced by various underlying conditions, further investigation by local physicians must be made a priority to ensure early screening, diagnosis and treatment can be put in place. This is important so that we could achieve a better prognosis in response to any kind of outcome and ailments.