Want to look younger? Want to make your appearance look better? Do you realize that improving your smile is an essential element of looking attractive and younger? Do you know there are quite a few dental operations that will make you look young? 

Cosmetic dentistry is a type of dentistry that focuses on smiles and teeth, utilizing the most modern dental treatments to improve the appearance of teeth. Some of the most essential cosmetic dentistry operations in South Reno that will help you look younger are discussed below. Contact a dentist in south reno for more information.

How to look young using dental procedures?

  • Porcelain veneers

Dental veneers are thin coated shells composed of dental porcelain and composite resin. These immediately cure problems such as chipped or broken teeth, discolored teeth, damaged enamel, and so on. These veneers are attached to the front of the teeth, restoring their natural appearance. They mimic patients’ natural teeth by mimicking the form and color of their current teeth. Porcelain veneers make your smile bright and beautiful.

  • Smile Designing

Smile designing is an innovative technology that adjusts the size and shape of your teeth to provide you with the best smile possible. It evaluates your smile using digital software and generates a 3D model of the final design. The whole procedure will be customized to the patient’s unique requirements, and the patient will be able to speak about the modifications required for that perfect smile with the dentist.

  • Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is an essential cosmetic operation and the most effective means to improve the look of a smile. A whitening gel comprising hydrogen peroxide is applied on the teeth’s surface and exposed to intense laser light for around 30-90 minutes. A brighter tooth usually requires several sittings. 

  • Lip lift

The most common myth is that reshaping and lifting the lip is only performed by a plastic surgeon. No! Cosmetic dentists may also do this. The lip lift operation enhances facial features, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing shape. This treatment may boost your self-esteem while also making you look younger.

  • Gum Contouring and Grafting

Gum problems vary among persons, such as small lips or additional gum tissue on teeth, which causes plenty of pink tissue and makes smiling less attractive. In addition, the tar produced by inhaling tobacco products destroys and darkens gums. Cosmetic dentists remove additional gum tissue, exposing shining teeth and making smiles more appealing and beautiful. This process is known as gum contouring.